Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Maiden voyage on the bloggy road....

So lots of my friends blog....and I read them avidly, following along like some wicked game of "Where's Waldo".  Why do I not blog?

Today, all that's changing.

Here I am, perched up in my crow's nest of an office, looking out on "the wild side" across the way, shadows of evening settling in like cold steel.....and I find I have not a damn thing to say.

Today was a good day, though....I got some things out on the table with a dear friend, I made invitations for my 40th birthday bash, and got a fab new haircut.

Ordinarily, today would be pilates mat class day....but it's spring break from pilates.  I often ponder the many mind-body connections I've started in motion, and the physical changes I can already feel and am starting to see.  Mostly, I try not to think about it at all..because if I think about it in terms of having an outwardly attractive body, I FREAK.  For me, it's all about health...and if outward attractiveness happens, that's icing on the cake.

Tomorrow's hump day...then just 2 more days until I get to spend the weekend with my sister. 

Until next time,
peace from the road

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