Friday, July 18, 2008

Culinary Adventures....

So, I told my friend I was buying dinner, that she could pick the place...which basically turned into "Tell me what kind of food you want, and I'll find a place that serves it" (she's not from this area).

Fair enough.

She said she wanted Thai food.

Aside from the fact that I was nervous about there even being such an ethnic place around these stickly parts....I had never had Thai food before.

Before tonight, that is.

Turns out, there IS a Thai place very close to home. We're in luck, I thought....followed quickly by "Oh crap....I hope I find something not too spicy to eat there!"

I don't know exactly what she ordered. Some things that looked like egg rolls - only they weren't deep fried and they were served cold. The wrappers were kind of translucent and the brightly colored items inside shined through. She was dipping them in this red pepper sauce that even SMELLED spicy - it was frightening. For her entree, again....I don't know what it was...but there was lots of really lovely broccoli.

I ordered shrimp and peapods.

Totally DELIGHTFUL. There's even mint leaves in it - it is so yummy! And so different from anything I've had before. The sauce was lightly flavored and very light....

See what kinds of great experiences and adventures one can have if we're just open?

So good.....

warm wishes for a good night from a tired and full girl on a road.....


Janet said...

Good girl - next time see if a dish called "beef with holy basil" is on the menu.

It's not too hot, it's delicious.


Martine Locke said...

ahhh yes, living on the's fun, no?