Sunday, November 1, 2009

Wow - a year (almost) has passed....

So, my good friend and amazing songwriter, Ellis ( just uploaded her first video-blog on her blogspot site, and I wanted to leave a comment....which meant I had to log in....which led me to my own blogspot page....which led me to realize how dang long it has been since I have written. Wow! Almost a year!

Today is the first day of Nanowrimo, which stands for "National Novel Writer's Month" - a month-long challenge to write an entire novel in just one month. I attempted it before, and got about 2/3 of the way to the word limit on my novel - which was a meandering mess of epic proportions that I suppose would have had some sort of an arc if you stood far enough away from it...but it sure wasn't gonna reach the end of the rainbow by the end of that November or by the time I reached the word limit.

This year, I don't think I'm gonna attempt Nanowrimo. Rather, I think I'm going to be more mindful about blogging here and call it good. Probably won't get as fancy as Miss Ellis with a video-blog - or maybe I will. Some day. For now, blogging with words will be great.

Another great and inspiring friend of mine, Faith (my fitness guru ab-whisperer), has been talking for a few months now about just tackling one thing at a time..."just one thing."

Here it one thing for this week: play my guitar every day, for at least the amount of time it takes for a birthday cake-sized candle to extinguish (that's about 5 minutes, as I recall....longer is ok, but at least 5 minutes).

What's yours?

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